Challenge Accepted and WON!
Congrats to two more Burleigh-PPMS FLL-Challenge teams that competed last week at the Marquette Regional!
SuperStellar is Super!
Elmbrook's all girls FTC team SuperStellar competed in their first qualifier of their season this past Saturday, 23 November, at Sheboygan High School.
Lego League Announces Season Successes
Congrats to all our FLL-Challenge and FLL - Explore teams that competed during the first two weeks of November!
Panther Pride Student Winner for November
Our November Panther Pride Student Winner is....
Panther Pride Winner Staff Winner for November
Here's our November staff winner of the Panther Pride Award
Pilgrim Park Significantly Exceeds Expectations
Pilgrim Park Middle School “Significantly Exceeds Expectations” with a score of 83.2, according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) who released district and school report cards this week.