Technology Resources
The purpose of technology in the Elmbrook Schools is to meet the strategic objectives of the district and deploy solutions in support of the teaching and learning priorities of our students and staff.
Key Contacts
Chris Thompson
Chief Strategy Officer
262-781-3030 x11163
Dan Scott
Director of Technology,
262-781-3030 x11166
Jean Loepfe
Help Desk
262-781-3030 x11411
Resources for students and families are available in the tabs below.
Student Resources
Expectations of Use
Appropriate Use
Expectations for responsible use are briefly described in the bullet points below, and in more detail in the linked Board policies. These expectations are to be reviewed regularly with students in order to insure the safety of our students and to make the best use of the District's investment in technology.
Digital citizenship will be taught to students in grades 5K - 12, and will be based on the following six conditions. Families are also encouraged to support these behaviors and expectations at home.
- I will recognize the ways in which digital devices can be distracting. I will identify how I feel when others are distracted by their devices. I will identify ideal device-free moments for myself and others.
- I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online names that are appropriate, I will consider the information and images that I post online. I will consider what personal information about my life, experiences, and/or relationships I post. I will not be obscene.
- I will ensure that the information, images and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will not publish my personal details, contact details or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate behavior directed at me. I will protect passwords, accounts and resources.
- I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass or stalk other people. I will show respect for other people in my choice of websites, I will not visit sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate. I will not abuse my rights of access and I will not enter other people's private spaces or areas.
- I will protect others by reporting abuse, not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications; I will moderate unacceptable materials and conversations, and not visit sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate.
- I will request permission to use resources. I will suitably cite any and all use of websites, books, media etc. I will acknowledge all primary sources and respect copyright guidelines. I will validate information. I will use and abide by the fair use rules. I will act with integrity.
Student use of technology is guided by three District Policies:
- Student Appropriate Use of Technology - detailing expectations of safe, responsible and learning-focused use of devices (such as chromebooks, PCs and iPads) and software (such as Google Apps).
- Copyright - Respecting the work of others and not claiming it as your own. This includes images/pictures found on the internet, music, papers submitted by others, and copying others' thoughts and ideas without citing the source as a reference.
- Children's Internet Protection Act - the District takes seriously its responsibility to keep children safe when using technology. This is evident through our instruction of students about protecting your personal information and avoiding communication with people you do not know, as well as filtering out inappropriate internet traffic at home and school.
Digital Citizenship
The School District of Elmbrook uses technology resources (tablets, laptops, desktops, Google Apps, e-mail, etc.) to support and enhance student learning. Digital Citizenship and information literacy skills are taught to all students. The District's Digital Citizenship curriculum can be found here.
Content Filtering
Insuring the safety of our students while using District technology at school and at home is critical to the District's 1:1 program. The following safeguards are in place to support our mission of safe and responsible use:
- All student devices, iPads and Chromebooks, issued by the District pass through our Internet filter both at school and at home, before accessing the Internet.
- All internet traffic is recorded and monitored for suspicious/harmful activity.
- Only students with accounts, or staff with accounts can login to the Chromebooks. Personal google accounts cannot be used on District-issued chromebooks.
- Students are instructed to report suspicious activity to a teacher or administrator that may be harmful to themselves or others.
- Families have access their child's internet activity through the Securly Parent Portal. Logins are emailed to families during the first week of school.
Key Applications
All students in grades 2-12 are provided a chromebook for use at school and at home during the school year in order to help personalize their learning experience. Students in grades KG-1 may also be assigned a device to support their learning as well. Below are a list of key applications accessible to all Elmbrook students, also available through MyElmbrook.
Google Drive
Description: Manage or contribute photos or files created on your Phone to your Google Drive
Canvas is the District's web-based course platform, presenting course content for students in many courses. Content may include documents, presentations, resource links to websites, quizzes, assignments and class discussion boards. Students are enrolled in courses by their classroom teachers and can access Canvas through the web or through the Smartphone App.
MyElmbrook (run through Clever) is the School District's web portal that is accessible from the District's homepage ( and presents students and staff with links to many of the key applications listed in this table. In addition, some links will automatically login the user without requiring a username/password.
Destiny is the District's library catalog system, Destiny presents the availability of all paper-based and eBook content in one location. Students can check for available titles and confirm what is currently checked out to them and/or overdue.
Sora is the district ebook and audiobook collection. Sora consists of thousands copies and growing - for all levels - preschool to adult.
- Directions for accessing Sora on a different device are here.
- Complete this form to request an ebook or audiobook. We will meet requests in 24 hours or less.
Our library services family is here to support your virtual learning needs.
Discovery offers video content in science and social studies, this tool can be used to conduct research, explore interests, and can be integrated into presentations. Produced by the Discovery Channel, this is high-quality content for students and staff.
Badgerlink is a directory of educational, children's, and government sites, online newspapers and magazines, promoting high quality resources. It is a great place to start when beginning a research project.
Need Internet Access @Home?
If you are currently without the Internet at your residence due to financial hardship please contact the classroom teacher or school case worker. The District will provide cellular hot spots to families who are without Internet. Contact your classroom teacher or school social worker for more information.
Family Resources
The District provides several different technology resources for family members to stay informed of their student's work in the classroom and to help them manage their school day. We encourage new and existing families to watch the presentation linked below to learn about Elmbrook's efforts towards digital safety and how to use the technology tools provided effectively. Questions can be directed to Dan Scott, Director of Technology (
Securly @Home
The Securly App allows parents insight into their student's internet experience. Through the app, parents are able to monitor their student's internet history and search terms.
Parents must first create a portal account using the link provided in their weekly Securly email report.
Securly Web Filtering @Home
The School District of Elmbrook deploys Securly safety solutions to all district devices both at school and at home. Securly provides the opportunity for parents to view their students online activity in near real time. While at home parents can access the parent portal to view and control access to the Chromebooks.
Your parent Securly account is the same email address that you use as your Infinite Campus email account.
- To start your Securly journey visit the Securly Parent Portal.
- Access the portal
- If you are unsure of your password click the "Forgot Password? link on the portal page.
- If you have never logged into Securly before use the "or Get Instant Access."
- Once you are able to access the Securly Parent Portal download the smartphone app
- Now that you are logged in lets take a look at a few training resources specifically for parents.
- You can find a complete list of training topics related to the Securly Home App. Start with "How to use the Securly Home App"
- For more information on the Securly Portal start here.
- If you have any additional support needs with the Securly product you can reach out to Securly directly by emailing them at
Any questions related to your students browsing activity should start with the classroom teacher. Teachers are equipped to guide families on how technology is used in the classroom and expectations related to Technology use.
iPad History @Home
For our littlest leaners (4k - 1st) iPads provides access to learning software and applications through Apple App Store. Even though the device is protected with Securly since students do not login to the iPad there is no Securly activity associated with your student. While @Home we encourage parents to view the Browser History on your students iPad. If you have specific questions regarding iPad use in the classroom please contact your classroom teacher.
Testing the Web Filter @Home
To test that the Securly Web Filter is inspecting traffic you can browse to Visiting this page on a district device should result in a blocked web page message. If you have concerns regarding your students device configuration please have your student visit their library so that we may troubleshoot the issue.
Chromebook Troubleshooting @Home
The District has created a guide to help resolve common Chromebook issues. If you our your student are unable to resolve the issue with this guide please have your student visit their library to further troubleshoot the issue.
Get the App:
Expectations of Use
Appropriate Use
Expectations for responsible use are briefly described in the bullet points below, and in more detail in the linked Board policies. These expectations are to be reviewed regularly with students in order to insure the safety of our students and to make the best use of the District's investment in technology.
Digital citizenship will be taught to students in grades 5K - 12, and will be based on the following six conditions. Families are also encouraged to support these behaviors and expectations at home.
- I will recognize the ways in which digital devices can be distracting. I will identify how I feel when others are distracted by their devices. I will identify ideal device-free moments for myself and others.
- I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online names that are appropriate, I will consider the information and images that I post online. I will consider what personal information about my life, experiences, and/or relationships I post. I will not be obscene.
- I will ensure that the information, images and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will not publish my personal details, contact details or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate behavior directed at me. I will protect passwords, accounts and resources.
- I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass or stalk other people. I will show respect for other people in my choice of websites, I will not visit sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate. I will not abuse my rights of access and I will not enter other people's private spaces or areas.
- I will protect others by reporting abuse, not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications; I will moderate unacceptable materials and conversations, and not visit sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate.
- I will request permission to use resources. I will suitably cite any and all use of websites, books, media etc. I will acknowledge all primary sources and respect copyright guidelines. I will validate information. I will use and abide by the fair use rules. I will act with integrity.
Student use of technology is guided by three District Policies:
- Student Appropriate Use of Technology - detailing expectations of safe, responsible and learning-focused use of devices (such as chromebooks, PCs and iPads) and software (such as Google Apps).
- Copyright - Respecting the work of others and not claiming it as your own. This includes images/pictures found on the internet, music, papers submitted by others, and copying others' thoughts and ideas without citing the source as a reference.
- Children's Internet Protection Act - the District takes seriously its responsibility to keep children safe when using technology. This is evident through our instruction of students about protecting your personal information and avoiding communication with people you do not know, as well as filtering out inappropriate internet traffic at home and school.
Digital Citizenship
The School District of Elmbrook uses technology resources (tablets, laptops, desktops, Google Apps, e-mail, etc.) to support and enhance student learning. Digital Citizenship and information literacy skills are taught to all students. The District's Digital Citizenship curriculum can be found here.
Content Filtering
Insuring the safety of our students while using District technology at school and at home is critical to the District's 1:1 program. The following safeguards are in place to support our mission of safe and responsible use:
- All student devices, iPads and Chromebooks, issued by the District pass through our Internet filter both at school and at home, before accessing the Internet.
- All internet traffic is recorded and monitored for suspicious/harmful activity.
- Only students with accounts, or staff with accounts can login to the Chromebooks. Personal google accounts cannot be used on District-issued chromebooks.
- Students are instructed to report suspicious activity to a teacher or administrator that may be harmful to themselves or others.
- Families have access their child's internet activity through the Securly Parent Portal. Logins are emailed to families during the first week of school.
Need Internet Access @Home?
If you are currently without the Internet at your residence due to financial hardship please contact the classroom teacher or school case worker. The District will provide cellular hot spots to families who are without Internet. Contact your classroom teacher or school social worker for more information.