Athletics & Clubs
Cross Country:
6th, 7th & 8th grade boys and girls (September-October)
Practice begins at the start of the school year and continues through mid-October. Students participate in meets with other middle schools from the area. Practices are 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.
If you are interested in joining this years team, please fill out this form.
Here is the calendar for the 2024 season.
For more information please contact Coach Hintz. Here is the letter to parents from the coaches.
Please follow the following link if the above image is missing.
The Pilgrim Park wrestling team is open to all girls and boys grades 6, 7 and 8. There are no tryouts and no cuts. Our season will start right after winter break and run until mid February. PPMS has taken pride in having one of our conference most consistent teams but that is not our goal. We want young people to learn what they can do when they work hard on the mat and in the classroom. We have been lucky enough to have 10 wrestlers leave our program and wrestle in college and 5 of those in division one programs.
The upcoming wrestling season begins on Wednesday, December 26th. All students from grades 6-8 are welcome to join wrestling. It is a great sport for staying in shape during the winter. Sign up on the athletics page of the school website. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Shumaker or Mr. Paul.
Everyone wrestles in the tournament.
Please contact Mr. Shumaker if you have any questions -
Track and Field:
7th & 8th grade boys and girls (March-May)
Practice begins in March and continues through May. Students participate in meets with other middle schools from the area. Practices are 2:30-4:15 p.m. every day.
Informational Meeting for boys will be held on March 5 in the cafeteria directly after school. For the girls, it will be held on March 6 in the library. Please plan rides accordingly.
Our Track and Field spirit store is now open. If you wish to order, please visit this website. Ordering closes on March 25.
For the schedule of practices and meets, you may visit our calendar page or use this link. Changes to the calendar will happen live as quickly as possible.
Please contact Brad Hintz, Athletic Director, for further information – or the head coach Ann McCall -
Intramural Sports
Sports are subject to change based on interest. Additional sports may be added if there is sufficient interest. These activities are open to all interested 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. The following are possible intramural offerings for this year:
Dodgeball, Weightlifting, Basketball, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton, Spike-ball, Golf
Further information on sports will be given during daily announcements at school, which are posted under “Announcements” on the school website, or contact the Main Office at (262) 785-3920.
Community Sports
Basketball-Junior Spartans: 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys and girls (September-April)
Junior Spartans, in conjunction with Brookfield East High School, offer basketball opportunities to 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. These teams require tryouts and a separate outside fee to participate. Jr. Spartans include a 16-week season, 5 to 6 weekend tournaments, weekly games in the Waukesha County Basketball League, and 3 to 4 hours of practice weekly in the evening. Listen to the daily announcements for further information regarding this program.
Click here for more information on Junior Spartan Basketball.
Spartan Youth Football: 5th through 8th graders in the Brookfield East High School Attendance Area (off-site August-November)
Spartan Youth Football is a tackle football feeder program for Brookfield East High School. There will be 1 or 2 teams at each grade level based on the number of registrations. This program requires a separate outside fee to participate. Teams will be limited to 35 players, with a waiting list maintained.
Click here for more information on Junior Spartan Football.
Volleyball-Jr. Spartans: 5th through 8th grade boys and girls in the BEHS attendance area (off-site August - November)
Jr. Spartan Volleyball is a feeder program for Brookfield East High School. There will be 2-3 teams at each grade for girls and 1-2 at each level for boys. This program requires a separate outside fee to participate. Teams are limited, and tryouts will be used for team placement. Practices are twice a week at local schools and games are weekends in the waukesha area.
For more information please visit our website https://
Baseball: Click here for more information on Junior Spartan Baseball.
Swimming: Click here for more information on the Elmbrook Swim Club.
Soccer: Click here for more information on Elmbrook United Soccer.
Hockey: Click here for information on Elmbrook Youth Hockey.