Academic & Career Planning
Middle School Academic and Career Planning provides the foundation for students to explore options as they commence their academic and career planning during their middle school years. The ACP process personalizes each student’s educational experience while providing opportunities to explore and set short-term goals in preparation for his/her future. Throughout the ACP process, students focus on four questions: Who Am I?, Where am I Going?, How do I Get There?, and What is Available to Me Right Now?
Exploring these questions assists students in understanding their strengths, interests, potential career pathways, and potential post secondary education options.
Xello is an engaging online program that helps students build the skills, knowledge, and plans to be future-ready. Students can use the many tools available in Xello. Families can contact their student services office to receive an electronic invite to create a Xello account linked to their student. HERE is a guide reviewing the details of a parent account. See your building ACP coordinator for more information. Students may have engaged in several of the Xello activities already, some might be coming in future lessons, while other activities students will not be assigned at school. Observing your student’s work in Xello will create great conversation starters between you and your child!
Students can log in to Xello through their Google Accounts. https://login.xello.