Advancement Via Individual Determination, or AVID, is a national, nonprofit college readiness system offered to students of all academic levels in grades K-12.
AVID has a school-wide approach to curriculum and rigor adopted by more than 4,000 schools in 45 states and 15 countries over 28 years. The system is designed to equip students with the necessary intellectual skills and behaviors for academic success in rigorous coursework. AVID empowers students with critical thinking skills to navigate the educational landscape through an explicit focus on high expectations. AVID emphasizes the development and refinement of student competence in writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading, or WICOR.
Instruction: The full instructional staff uses AVID strategies (WICOR), which incorporate highly engaging instructional practices.
Systems: AVID provides tools to ensure consistent delivery of AVID strategies across all classroom in the building
Leadership: School leadership comprised of an AVID Site Team sets the vision and tone to promote high expectations for all students in the school.
Culture: Our school’s beliefs and behaviors reflect a high level of rigor, engagement, and student ownership of their learning.
Nationwide the AVID Elective course is offered to students in grades 7-12. Students who are selected and recruited for participation in the AVID Elective class possess the individual determination to work hard to achieve their goals. The AVID Elective class provides students with academic tools, access to resources, and the structure to thrive with their rigorous coursework, leading to success in any educational endeavor.
The AVID Elective Course is only for students in AVID. The class takes place during an elective class period, every other day, all year. Students can take the AVID class and still have space in their schedule for other elective options.
AVID students:
- Current performance in the Academic “middle” at PPMS
- Has a Desire & Determination to be challenged academically
- Current teachers recognize the potential to become stronger students and prepared for academically rigorous coursework in high school.
The AVID course focuses on three main pillars:
- Writing and Reading Strategies
- College and Career Education
- Time Management and Organization
The AVID tutorials include:
- Collaborative Study
- Writing Groups
- Socratic Seminars
What AVID is NOT:
- Remediation
- A “quick fix”
- Special Education
- An At-Risk Program
- Content Mastery
- Supportive Study Hall